/gallery/kobashik/: The Unofficial Gameboy Tetris Home Page
The website geared especially towards the beauty and charm of Gameboy Tetris. It has received accolades and recognition from Project Cool Media, Arcade Magazine (UK), and tetris.com.

Retroworks: Your Interior Design Alternative
A partial, 'scholastic' website on 70s home furnishings, with a mild, slightly displaced critique on the status of modernism.

The web-based counterpart to an enhanced-CD project for the music I've been producing. To be completed.

other websites: ASUCLA Student Media Online
Another project with Soo Cho. Coming soon.

Motown Live
I sort of came up with the original look-and-feel while interning at iXL. Can't take much else credit for the rest, though.

alma mater: UCLA Design

We'll have an alumni page... one of these days.